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P2P Investment

What is peer-to-peer (P2P) lending?

Peer-to-peer lending is a form of crowd-funding used to raise loans for people who need to borrow, from people who want to invest. Though it’s comparative new investment concept in India, but in USA and other developed countries it’s quite popular.

It enables individuals to borrow and lend money without any financial institution as an intermediary, and extends credit to borrowers

who are unable to get it through traditional financial institutions.
 The main idea is savers getting higher interest by lending out their money instead of saving it, and borrowers getting funds at

comparatively low interest rates. It typically uses an online platform where the borrowers and lenders register themselves. Due diligence is carried out before allowing
the parties to participate in any lending or borrowing activity.
 All P2P platforms will now be considered non-banking financial companies and regulated by the RBI.
An individual can invest maximum 10 lakhs amount in the P2P platform.